Monthly Archives: May 2013

Istanbul 2013

Although Istanbul isn’t the capital, it’s the largest city in Turkey and the leading industrial, commercial, historical, and cultural center. Not only because of the diversity of people, but also geologically; Istanbul is the only major city world-wide that lies on two continents, Asia & Europe. It’s one of the most fascinating places and therefore the “Soul of Turkey” should be visited at least once in a lifetime.

Paris 2013

When most people think about Paris, historical & gigantic buildings, large streets, great distances and lots of people come to mind … right after “The City of Love” of course. In Paris, there are lots of opportunities to see a whole new aspect of the city. Some of the spots are pretty obvious, others not so well-known.

Today, Paris is one of the world’s leading business and cultural centres and its influences in politics, education, entertainment, media, science, and the arts all contribute to its status as one of the world’s major global cities.